General Information
New Homeowners
Maintenance Request
Vendor Listing
Photo Gallery
Owners Only Area
Artisan Square Maintenance Corporation

Listings on this page are strictly for the convenience of the owners. The intention here is to provide useful information only and in no way implies endorsement of the vendor.

Community Association Specialists, Inc.
1732 Aviation Blvd. PMB 429
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
C: 310-808-7113
VM/F: 310-499-9216
EM: Connie.Vohden@gmail.com

Trade References
Please check the documents tab in the New Homeowner Information section for a list of trade references. Owners are encouraged to forward names of contractors they recommend and we will add their name to the list.

Water Meters
CA SubMeter
Phone: 858-571-8999
Phone: 800-203-8653
Fax: 858-571-4470

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